Thursday, April 17, 2008

The downloading process

Upon hearing the wording downloading for the first time, one could imagine that is could be a daunting experience but downloading is not a difficult task. Like any other new process, one just follows the instructions directed by the pc, because computers are so advanced they can in some way think for you (and we all love it when the computer shows you, your errors). Website such as BBC radio have taken the initiative in teaching people how to download, there is a step by step process in which one can follow. This website goes to the extent in defining certain terms in which one will come across during the downloading experience. One needs to note that downloading can be done on your cellphone (you carry a downloading tool wherever you go). It’s all very well that one is able to access the latest popular music, but a burning question is who actually pays for all this magic that you have been able to get your hands on?

1 comment:

Ntokozo Mntambo said...

and that is the beauty of downloading-we who download dont have to worry about who pays and who loses out on pay.downloading is fantastic but of course there are consequences and that is the fact that the creators of these songs tend to lose out on sales and profits